
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Newspaper City

The 2nd grade class has been busy learning about cities and newspapers.  Newspapers?

We learned that a newspaper is laid out in columns, and the columns look like SKYSCRAPERS!  Our first class session was used to paint the background with watercolor.  Students drew their roads on with Sharpie marker and then painted water, grass, and stripes to fill the space on their 12" X 18" paper.

The next week we all got a newspaper.  Each student searched for buildings and skyscrapers, cut them out and glued them onto their roads.

Our final class was a SHARPIE DAY!
We started by adding details to our buildings.  What do we see on buildings from far away?
We added cars and trucks.  What size are cars in the front of our picture compared to the back of our picture?
We added street signs, stoplights, signs, bridges, etc.
We added people if we had time.  What can we see of people if we are standing so far away from the city?  Do we see a lot of detail?

This is what we got.....

Welcome to Newspaper City!

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